Rhopalaea crassa (Herdman 1880)

日本近海産種リスト: 脊索動物門 ホヤ綱 マンジュウボヤ目 Diazonidae

Wreck Liberty, 15m depth
Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia
photo by Kazuyuki Yamada, 18 September 1999
Nikon F90, Nikon AF Micro Nikkor 105mm,
anthis NEXUS, Sea & Sea YS-60, Fuji RDP II

Ecteinascidia crassa Herdman 1880

Rhopalaea sagamiana Oka 1927 681-683 figs.A-B.

Rhopalaea mutuensis Oka 1927 683.

Rhopalaea macrothorax Tokioka 1953 63-64, 212-213, pl.29.1-5.

Rhopalaea crassa Tokioka 1953 62-63, 210-211, pl.29.6-8, pl.30.1-6. Nishikawa 1980 97-111. Nishikawa 1986 175-184. Nishikawa 1991 25-30 fig.10. Allen Steene 1994 250-251 figs. Monniot Monniot 2001 297-298 figs.76, 124D.

cf. Rhopalaea sp./spp. 奥谷 楚山 1994 280 fig.4. Gosliner et al. 1996 293 figs.1080-1881.

  相模湾(Tokioka 1953),紀伊半島(Nishikawa 1980),隠岐(Nishikawa 1986). 富山湾 45-1410m,九十九湾 15-40m,若狭湾,隠岐 47-55m,対馬海峡 101m, 尻屋崎 104m,相模湾 78-400m,紀伊半島 3-100m,五島列島 17-20m, 香港 10-12m,フィリピン1-80m,バンダ海 1-129 fms,フローレス海 0-521m,グレートバリアリーフ, クイーンズランド,スリランカ(Nishikawa 1991).
  模式産地は Kii Islands(Monniot Monniot 2001). フィリピン,パプアニューギニア,マリアナ諸島(Monniot Monniot 2001).

first up date 25 December 2006, modified 07 July 2018

  1. Allen, Gerald A. & Roger Steene 1994 Indo-Pacific, Coral Reef, Field Guide. Tropical Reef Research. pp. 378.
  2. Gosliner, Terrence M., David W. Behrens & Gary C. Williams 1996 Coral Reef Animals of the Indo-Pacific. A Sea Challengers Publication. pp.314.
  3. Monniot, Françoise & Claude Monniot 2001 Ascidians from the tropical western Pacific. Zoosystema, 23(2): 201-383.
  4. Nishikawa, Teruaki 1980 Ascidians from the coast of Kii Peninsula, middle Japan, with description of two new species. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 13: 97-111.
  5. Nishikawa, Teruaki 1986 Some ascidians dredged around the Oki Islands, the Japan Sea. Memoirs of the National Science Museum, 19: 175-184.
  6. Nishikawa, Teruaki 1991 The ascidians of the Japan Sea. II. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 35(1-3): 5-170.
  7. Oka, Asajiro 1927 Über zwei neue Rhopalaea-arten aus Japan. Proceedings of the Imperial Academy, 3(10): 681-683.
  8. 奥谷 喬司 & 楚山 勇 1994 サンゴ礁の生物. 山渓フィールドブック, 9. 山と渓谷社. pp.320.
  9. Tokioka, Takasi 1953 Ascidians of Sagami Bay. Collected by His Majesty the Emperor of Japan. Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo. pp. 315 pls.79.